Brandon's World

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ant Farm

There is a bug stuck inside my Cinema Display. I never realized that the image of what’s displayed on an LCD is actually projected up onto the top glass surface. The bug can crawl deeper into the picture, looking translucent and barely visible, or right up to the surface where it’s so noticeable that I still fight the urge to swat it off the screen. I have no idea how to get him out, so for now I just have to hope that when he dies, he’ll die off-screen, Leo McGarry-style.

I have taken one of these apart (and all the mac users gasp) - it was my friend's cousin's - he basically smashed it on accident, and i can understand how a bug could get caught in there... but c'mon, this is both hilarious and crappy at the same time. This is definately something you dont see every day.


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